C-section cuts 6 layers?

C-section cuts 6 layers?

C-sections are one of the most common surgeries, so the good news is because it is so common, there are a lot of resources and people to ask for help! Most people who have c-sections, have a tough time mentally dealing with the pain and recovery process because it can be more difficult. This is because the scar is very sensitive and can be painful as well as some women will feel like they could have done something to prevent it. Remember, our birth plans never so as planned and there are things that we cannot control. The good news is that you and your baby are safe and now we just need to get you to heal!


When having a c-section, the doctor has to cut through all the abdominal wall muscles and connective tissue, which in general is app


Approximately 6 layers. When your core has already been stretched out for 9 months plus having a surgery to the abdominal region, this is why you may be in more pain or it can be difficult to move around. (You are NOT being a baby)


There are so many things we can do! (Scroll down for some juicy knowledge bombs)


Here are some tips below to help with your healing process:

  • Rest- (I know it seems insane with a newborn) BUT this is very important and may seem counterintuitive due to the new baby. However, a c-section is a surgery, and just like any surgery, getting ample rest, listening to your body, and not overdoing it, as well as monitoring healing is very important.

  • Ask for help- Excessive lifting, bending, etc can be detrimental to the healing process, so ask for help early on to help with your healing process.

  • Silicon patch for c-section healing (if allowed by your MD ask first)

    • Will improve healing and decrease sensitivity to the region

    • Here is a popular Silicon Patch option

  • At 2+ weeks postpartum (when cleared by MD), try desensitizing the scar- Gently rub towel or sheets, above and below the scar to help minimize the sensitivity.

    • Don't rub anything directly on top of the scar until the scar is completely healed- ask your MD

  • Infection awareness- watch for healing, be aware of any excessive redness, oozing, or puss and make sure to call MD)

  • “Blow as you go”- make sure to exhale with any lifting to prevent any doming or tenting of your abdominal wall

  • Log roll- when getting in and out of bed, roll to your side and push up with your arms to avoid over activating your core muscles

  • Ice your scar as needed- X10 mins daily with a pillow case in between the ice pack and scar

Check in with your medical practitioner or pelvic floor physical therapist for long term ways to help with healing!



Raise The Pelvic Floor


Disclaimer: The information and content here is solely for informational and educational purposes. It is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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